Photo by Ayako Kato
Art of Being
Dance/Movement Workshop with Ayako Kato
2022 Winter 1: Reflection: How did we move this year? How will we move next year?
Saturdays, Dec 3, 10, & 17, 2022, 1:00-3:00 pm CST (Hybrid In Person @ Hamlin Park Fieldhouse Theater Studio, Chicago, IL & on ZOOM, please reach Ayako to register, see below, and receive a link if you are participating through Zoom.)
During this term, through the three sessions, we will reflect on how we moved this year. At the same time, we will reflect on how we want to be moving next year while the earth will be going around the sun and self-rotating, tilting 23.5 degrees from the plane of its orbit around the sun. I hope we can have tea together at the end of this session.
Dance is the art of being. Ayako wants to offer this workshop as a daily practice of being,—as a human, mover, performer, artist, dancer, and choreographer. Through this practice, Ayako will share the way to find our centered, grounded, and balanced selves through imagery (and physical reality) based exercises.
Through improvisational and simple compositional exercises, participants will raise a keen awareness of the expansiveness as well as the depth of being. Participants will explore ways to open up the body-mind as an empty conduit to welcome new wind flow through themselves and feel fullness.
Ayako will share how to expand and develop the tangible and intangible tensegrity (tension x integrity) through our bodies and minds to sense new relationships within and around us. Participants will be asked to create their own short dance.
Early Bird Special for 3 sessions: $35 (due on Dec 3; Single drop-in: $12-15 (Sliding scale).
Registration (including for drop-in anytime) is recommended. Just contact Ayako: furyuayajp@gmail,com
For Payment: Zelle (Ayako Tsuchiya,, Venmo (@Ayako-Tsuchiya) or PayPal: Thank you!
Please contact for any questions: