Photo by Ayako Kato
Art of Being: Symbiotic Life
Dance/Movement Workshop with Ayako Kato
May 4 - June 1
Saturdays, May 4, 11, 18, 25, June 1, 1- 3 pm CST (May 11 only, 11 am - 1 pm),
5 sessions (Hybrid: In Person @ Hamlin Park Fieldhouse Theater Studio, Chicago, IL & on ZOOM.)
Registration details below or visit Eventbrite
We will be further diving into how to embody the composite symbiotic ways of being physically, mentally, and biologically, which mirror the way of nature and earth to retrieve what we are and where we are from.
Reverse mirroring the current challenges in society and the world, let our minds practice feeling more appreciation with holistic perspectives. Let's find and look at the positive sides of life in order to generate better relationships with people, places, and things.
During the workshop, participants touch on parts of the Complex System as well as gain a bird's eye view. Please don’t worry if you are joining for the first time. You are an expert of your daily life and Ayako will guide you to gain and expand new physical and mental notions through somatic and improvisational movement/dance exercises.
Dance is the art of being. Ayako wants to offer this workshop as a daily practice of being,—as a human, mover, performer, artist, dancer, and choreographer. Through this practice, Ayako will share the way to find our centered, grounded, and balanced selves through imagery (and physical reality) based exercises.
Through improvisational and simple compositional exercises, participants will raise a keen awareness of the expansiveness as well as the depth of being. Participants will explore ways to open up the body-mind as an empty conduit to welcome new wind flow through themselves and feel fullness.
Ayako will share how to expand and develop the tangible and intangible tensegrity (tension x integrity) through our bodies and minds to sense new relationships within and around us. Participants will be asked to create their own short dance at the end.
Early Bird Special for 5 sessions: $70 (until Sat, May 5); Eventbrite: $16 + $2.91 ($18.91 with fees); Single drop-in: $15-20 (Sliding scale with direct payment).
For Payment: Zelle (Ayako Tsuchiya,, Venmo (@Ayako-Tsuchiya) or PayPal: Thank you!
Registration (including for drop-in anytime) is recommended.
To register, please contact Ayako at furyuayajp(at) or visit Eventbrite.
If you are participating through Zoom, please communicate with Ayako to receive a link.
For non-Eventbrite users, registration is complete when you contact Ayako AND payment is sent.
Please contact for any questions: