TROIS C-L invites artist Ayako Kato to share her dance and movement practice to empty yourself and move fully. This workshop is part of the Black Air group exhibition at Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain, guest curated by Amelia LiCavoli. Participants will be moving in actual exhibition space to seek out their worldview phisically and mentally. Ayako will perform Kuroi Kūki: a seed, in the exhibition on December 5, 7, and 8, 2024 at Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain.
Please visit HERE for more details. Or read below.
This Masterclass is Free Admission supported by Casino Luxembourg Education Department.
Check also: Art of Being, Energy, Flow, & Form workshop on Sat, December 7, 11 am - 1 pm @ Casino Luxembourg.
Photo by William Frederking, Collage by Amelia LiCavoli
Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain, in collaboration with TROIS C-L, invites you to a Masterclass with artist Ayako Kato.
Humans are mortal, yet we exist as a part of eternity and its cycle. If so, how shall we move, dance, and express ourselves as performers, dancers, choreographers, improvisers, humans, or just beings? With flow and gravity and awareness of the intangible and invisible, Ayako will share her worldview to be empty (letting go) and complete, inside out and outside in.
Please bring your inquiries as humans and artists to acknowledge, layer, and activate elements in your worldview. Step by step with care, the workshop will go through some guided somatic and improvisational exercises, listening, reading, writing, drawing, dialogue, creation, and dancing to clarify your worldview and the depth of your intricate and complex inquiries. Your inquiry topics may include anatomy, philosophy, science, biology, physics, history, cultures, poems, socio-political matters, and interdisciplinary and intersectional matters. At the end, participants will share their short pieces to exchange further dialogue and share reflections as peoples exploring art.
This workshop is recommended if you are especially interested in cultivating new perspectives through an Eastern philosophical point of view, elevating interdisciplinary collaboration with composers, music improvisers, filmmakers, and artists of other disciplines, and more intricate topics on deepening creative process through composition & improvisation, and reciprocal relationships between movement & sound/music.
Schedule of the day:
Introduction: 20-30 min
Guided meditation & Somatic floor exercises: 40 min
Writing & Sharing: 20 min
Bathroom Break
Sharing diagrams: 10-20 min
Standing exercises: 30 min
Improvisation exercises: 20 min
Intro to Creation 20 min
Lunch Break with Sharing: 1h
Revisit Warm-up: 15 min
Creation with some consultation: 30 – 40 min
Short Break & Preparation: 20 min
Showing & Feedback: 1h
Wrap up: 30 min
TROIS C-L (House of Dance in Luxembourg) invites artist Ayako Kato for a short presentation to open the 3 DU TROIS on December 3rd.
Ayako’s artist book, “‘Art of Being’ through Emptiness” will be published from Casino Display on December 2, 2024.