Art of Being: Energy, Flow, & Form @ Casino Luxembourg Forum d’art contemporain
Dance workshop in the framework of the exhibition Black Air
Sat, December 7, 11 am - 1 pm
Photo by Ricardo Adame
How do we travel between composing invisible and decomposing visible? What about our senses and feelings when something invisible, such as care and love, emerges and disappears? How are our bodies handling the phenomena as mediators or creators of substances, objects, and atmospheres? How are we influencing one another?
Participants start with somatic improvisational exercises, fostering awareness of energetic flow by following breath, gravity, and imagery based on artistic, philosophical, and scientific inquiries and prompts to explore more profound perceptions of our experiences and relationships with the transformative visible/invisible and tangible/intangible matters.
Some movement practice background will help. Yet, there is no need to have any strenuous dance background. Just bring your interests and curiosity.
11h00 — 13h00
Ages 10-15: must be accompanied by an adult
Participation fee: 6 € / free with the Kulturpass
For more details or in French/Dutch, visit: HERE
For a full day Master Class on Tue, December 10, please visit: HERE